User profil > Let user change notification prefernces Who should received the notification? What should the content be? What should happen after clicking on the notification Status bar and notification drawer Email notification Heads-up notification Lock screen App icon badge Wear OS devices
Notify when privat chat Yes Message recipient Sender's name + time + excerpt of message (similar to messenger) Redirect directly to private chat screen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Notify when group chat Yes Everyone in project Sender's name, time and excerpt of message Redirect directly to group chat screen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
New user accepted invitation Yes Owner & co-owner Name of new user and message: User xxx has accepted invatation til projekt xxx Redirect directly to contact edit Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Notify when new task is created Yes All shared contacts and contacts group that associated with task Name of the task and who created a task Redirect directly to task timeline Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Notifi when task is created and im in group or shared/assignment Yes Shared/assignment users Name of the task and who created a task Redirect directly to task timeline Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Notify when new item is added to task timeline Yes All shared contacts and contacts group that associated with task Name of the task and who added item
Notify when comment added to task timeline Yes All shared contacts and contacts group that associated with task Name of the task and who commented what Redirect directly to task timeline message Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Notify when new budget post added Yes Owner & co-owner Name of the budget and who added item Redirect directly to that budget detail Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Notify when new files is addet to upload Yes Owner & co-owner Name of the user and preview of uploaded files Redirect directly to ulpoad screen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Notify when new contact is added Yes Owner & co-owner Email, contact role and contact group and who has added new contact
Notify when new item is added to timetable Yes Owner & co-owner Name of the item and who added item Redirect directly to timetable screen Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes